It seems like everyone in the worlds dislikes me. For some reason my cousin removed me from facebook and a lot of my coworkers really show they dislike me. Like celebrating everyones bday except for mine, introducing new employees to everyone except me, inviting everyone even the cleaning lady to the boss party except for me, and telling me I look like an ugly old celebrity really makes me feel bad.
I don't know what it is. Perhaps people think I am weird. I hate the word WEIRD!! I really do. Sometimes I wonder if it is my ugly face, the way I dress or the fact that I am too quiet. My face is really ugly or okay sometimes. There was a time in my life when I felt pretty. It must of been for a month. A guy once told me I reminded him of a rat. It sucks to be ugly. And once I bought a pair of sunglasses and my coworker said I didn't have a model face to wear them. Urrgh! I really wish I was pretty! Sometimes I wonder if I do weird things I am not aware of. Wow! That would be awful! Sometimes I hate everyone and I wish someone shot them for me!